5 Principles of Good UX design

July 8, 2023

The design of a website is crucial for the usability of the site to the users, which is often referred to as User Experience design. Ultimately, it is important for users to be able to click on the content within the site. Therefore, a well-designed website is considered to be user-centered, taking into account the way users think and their action patterns. Consequently, it is necessary for us to understand how users think and behave.

1. Do not make users think

A web page should be simple, clear, and easy to use. Avoid making users have to think too much to achieve their goals. If the users need time to understand the website and continue to have doubts throughout the process, it indicates poor design. If users cannot find their objectives quickly and easily on a website, they will leave and are unlikely to return to that website again.

2. Focus on user’s attention

A website can attract more user attention compared to other interfaces because it can provide both static and dynamic content. Large and bold text, vibrant buttons, and eye-catching images are sufficient to grab attention. This is why video advertisements, although annoying and disliked by users, are perfect for capturing users' attention.

3. Effective UX writing

In a website context, since users can't talk with us in person so a different language is required. Instead of using complex sentences or words that users may find difficult to understand, it is better to write in a concise and intuitive manner. For example, it is more effective to write "Passwords do not match" rather than "Password encryption error" to ensure better comprehension.

4. Make it simple

It is indeed true that simplicity and ease of understanding are crucial aspects UX design. Users often visit websites with a specific purpose in mind, rather than just enjoyment. Regardless of how visually appealing a design may be, users are primarily looking for information within it. Therefore, it is important to strive for simplicity rather than complexity. From the perspective of a user visiting a website, the best design is one that provides buttons and clear text that precisely match the information they are seeking.

5. Test frequently

According to Steve Krug, testing with one user is better than not testing at all, and testing with one user early in the project is better than testing with 50 users later. Errors occur most frequently in the design planning phase, and the cost of fixing them increases the later they are discovered. Therefore, it is important to test quickly and iterate frequently. There is no reason not to conduct usability tests as they always produce useful results.

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