The Essentials Junior Designers Tend to Overlook in Design Tools

February 26, 2024
3 min

In today's exploration, let's unravel a core element often overlooked by budding designers — the indispensable intricacies of navigating Figma.

Drawing from close to twenty years of expertise, a dual role as a seasoned product manager and mentor to emerging designers has allowed me to discern a consistent lapse in grasping the fundamental principles of design tools, particularly among the vibrant, newer generation.

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A common apprehension among fresh participants revolves around their perceived lack of proficiency in navigating design tools. However, seasoned designers understand that the influence of these tools is not as monumental as some may perceive.

Ultimately, a meticulously crafted design file does not possess the enchanting ability to seamlessly materialize into a tangible, functional product.

So, why do we emphasize the importance of design? And if tools aren't the be-all and end-all, why dedicate substantial time and effort to mastering them?

Having commenced my design journey with tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, I can affirm with certainty that contemporary platforms such as Figma and Framer surpass their predecessors in user-friendliness and intuitiveness. The true essence lies in the rationale behind the widespread adoption of SaaS design tools by most companies, facilitating real-time collaboration.

In the current design landscape, the digital realm is more about tackling challenges than mere content creation. It involves a sophisticated tapestry of communication involving product owners, stakeholders, designers, developers, and business experts. This intricate dance is where design tools step into the spotlight, acting as a conduit for effective visual communication that distills intricate ideas into succinct wireframes.

However, the question that often eludes many junior designers is: How do we master the art of communication through design tools?

Design file communication goes beyond presenting aesthetically pleasing visuals; it's about ensuring that your design intentions are crystal clear. Your design should epitomize clarity and consistency in its elements.

For business professionals, it should articulate how your design aligns with the company's triumphs. For developers, the design should be meticulously organized, poised for a seamless translation into code.

Regrettably, numerous designers stumble when it comes to maintaining neat and structured files. Unidentified objects, a lack of hierarchy, and inconsistent styles often plague these documents. While the final prototype may boast a polished surface, diving into the file unveils a tumultuous jumble that obstructs comprehension.

I don't mean to downplay the significance of visual aesthetics—it's undeniably crucial. However, before fixating on visual allure, prioritize legibility and clarity in your design files. Think of it as speaking fluently and eloquently—ensure your design articulates clearly before delving into intricate details.

So, my fellow designers, let's not overlook the fundamentals. Keep your design files pristine, well-organized, and legible. It serves as the bedrock upon which impactful design communication is constructed.

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